Normal Process Capability SnapShot Help

The Normal Process Capability SnapShot technique provides a “snapshot” in time of your process capability. The “snapshot” includes these four items:

This page shows you how to create the Normal Process Capability SnapShot using the data that can be downloaded at this link. This page contains the following:

Data Entry

The data are entered into a worksheet as shown below (using the first part of the data into the example workbook). The data does not have to start in A1. It can be anywhere on the spreadsheet but must be in columns. Note: if the data are in columns, the program will assume that the number of columns is equal to the subgroup size. If the data are in three columns, a subgroup size of three is assumed in the calculations by the program.

Creating a Normal Process Capability SnapShot

Options for the Normal Process Capability SnapShot

On the input screen for the Normal Process Capability SnapShot is the button labeled “Show Options”. If you select that button, the input screen will show the options. Each option is described below. It is not required to select any of these options.

Plot & Sigma Opts

Selecting this option displays the input screen below. These options apply to the Cpk chart in the Normal Process Capability SnapShot.

Out of Control Tests

Selecting this option displays the input screen below. These options apply to the control charts in the Normal Process Capability SnapShot. This defines what out of control tests to apply to the control charts. The control charts used with the Normal Process Capability SnapShot are X-R, X-s or X-mR charts.

These options include:

Note: only four tests apply to the R chart:

Historical Values

Selecting this option displays the input screen below.

Transform Data

You have the option to transform the data either with the Box-Cox or Johnson Transformations. Selecting this option displays the input screens shown below. If you select the “Transform the Data” option, you will have the option to select either the Box-Cox or the Johnson Transformations. Selecting the Box-Cox option displays this input screen.

Selecting the Johnson Transformation displays the input screen below.

Classes, Minimum

If you select the “Classes, Minimum” option, the following input screen will appear:

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