Scatter Plot Matrix Help

A scatter plot matrix is a two-dimensional array of scatter diagrams between every possible pair of variables in the data. This allows you to quickly scan for relationships between the variables. An example of how to create a scatter plot matrix is given below.

A soft drink bottler is trying to predict delivery times for a driver. He has collected data on the delivery time, the number of cartons delivered and the distance the driver walked. He wants to see the relationship between these three variables. We will use the scatter plot matrix to do this.

A new worksheet is added and the scatter plot matrix created as shown below. Note that the diagonals contain the names of the variables. This is the y axis variable for that row of charts. For example, on the first row of charts above, the delivery time is the y axis. The first chart has X1 as the x axis and the last chart in the row has X2 as the x axis.

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